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RotateLabel ActiveX Control Ver 2.0!
This is an ActiveX control that can act as a Label or TextBox. This control has
a RecordSource just like a normal Access TextBox so it can be bound to a field
or contain a calculated expression. Developed for Microsoft Access97.
Requires VB6 Runtime files.
I have reports of errors under some versions of NT. Specifically the control
will crash when accessing the Custom properties. I will setup NT on a test
machine shortly to try and fix the error.
**WARNING** Each of the 3 following archives
contain a seperate version of the Rotate Text ActiveX control. I simply forgot
to click on Binary Compatability when I recompiled each version.:-( Will
fix in the next release! :-)
You can download this several
ways depending on your current setup.
RotateLabel.zip is the Full automatic install, includes VB6 Runtime Files. 1.5
RotateLabelnorun.zip is an automatic install without the Runtime files. 300kb
RotateLabelocx.zip contains Only the Ocx, Help File and 1 DLL. 62kb
AccessRotateVer2.zip contains the VB6 Source Code. 34kb
----- Original Message ----- From:
Prossegger Friedrich
'Stephen Lebans'
Sent: 12 February, 2003 11:31 AM
Subject: AW: RotateLabel ActiveX Control
and used it in my db:
Dim Rotatelabel As Object
' This is a Template Report with only one Control: RotateLabel
DoCmd.OpenReport "RptRotText", acDesign
' New control in my Report
Set Rotatelabel = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acCustomControl, acDetail, , ,
x, y)
' Get OLE Data from Template Object RotText
Rotatelabel.OleData = Reports!RptRotText!RotText.OleData
' Close Template Report
DoCmd.Close acReport, "RptRotText"
' Do cosmetics
Rotatelabel.Escapement = 90 ' Rotation
Rotatelabel.ControlSource = "=VDONUMMER" ' Formula of Field
Rotatelabel.SpecialEffect = 0 ' no Borders
Rotatelabel.Width = 300
Rotatelabel.Height = 1600
Works fine!
Would be nice if Background-Color could also be transparent -
maybe for future release ;-)
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May 23, 2004
Product Update
Rich Text ActiveX control.
Version 1.8
Mar 15, 2005 Product Update
MouseHook Replaces
the MouseWheel DLL subclassing solution. Turns On/Off the MouseWheel with
one line of code. No DLL registration required. Now supports Logitech mice!
Here! |